Hi, I am a Storyteller.

For as long as I can remember, I have loved stories. You know - those stories that Grandma tells you (whether they are true or not) while sitting in her lap, sharing one of those warm cookies she just baked. Or how about those stories that your 1st grade teacher told to you at the beginning of nap time - the ones that made you giggle and see life through rose-colored lenses? Some of my most favorite stories came from the anthologies I read during college, a cup of coffee in one hand, my feet propped up on some old, dilapidated college library desk with years of gum coating the bottom - the ones that told the hard truths and began to cause me to draw from the life I had experienced thus far. And then there are the stories that you hear your aging Daddy tell .... the stories that quite literally formed the man you now see before you, the ones that bring depth and meaning to the very essence of who you are. Yeah - THOSE stories. The ones that are so real you can SEE them, HEAR them, FEEL them.

Stories bring comfort. Stories erupt emotion. Stories take us back to a familiar place or transport us somewhere new and exciting.

Your memories are stories. Stories that ought to be told, remembered, and experienced over and over again. Your story is important - vital even. It will shape and form who you are, together and independently, now and through the years.

Being your storyteller is a privilege not lost on me.

See My Work

“After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, STORIES are the thing we need most in the world.”